Queer Circle is an LGBTQ+ charity working at the intersection of arts, culture and social action.

We believe in the radical potential of the arts for individual, collective and societal transformation. We are both a platform championing LGBTQ+ artists, and an ecology of individuals and organisations committed to creating systems of holistic support for LGBTQ+ people. 

We are an organisation-in-process; prioritising and embedding reflection as an individual and collective practice of care. We’re committed to remaining agile and adaptive in response to learning and the changing needs of our communities; embodying a constant state of becoming. 

Our community-focused approach prioritises the building of long term collaborations to foster a culture of generosity; and a shared understanding that we are collectively building something for each other, and future generations of LGBTQ+ people. 


  • The year-round provision of our free, welcoming gallery and social meeting space, with an accessible programme of exhibitions, learning and health activities.
  • Actively inviting and involving our communities in the design and leadership of our programmes: sharing our space and resources and encouraging community and cross-sector collaborations.
  • Creating opportunities to share knowledge based on lived and professional experience to generate LGBTQ+ led research that builds shared understanding and can influence change at a local and national policy level.

I would love to take more classes to feel more confident in my work. The teacher was great, really engaging and fun. Lifted my spirits.

Image of education provider, Queer Circle
Image of education provider, Queer Circle

Subjects taught

All courses

Locations used by QUEERCIRCLE

  • Queer Circle
    Building 4, 3 Barton Court, Soames Walk, Design District, London SE10 0BN
