Three people dancing

What’s on in Greenwich

Cuban Dance Fusion Classes 
Mondays for ages 16 to 19, Tuesdays for ages 9 to 11, Wednesdays for ages 12 to 15, 4.30pm to 5.30pm, free 
Acosta Dance Centre, Building 40, 1 Artillery Square, Woolwich Royal Arsenal, SE18 6BH 
As part of our Community Arts Fund programmes, you can learn Cuban techniques, rhythms, and movements from expert instructors. All skill levels welcome.  

Black History 365: Lego Robotics 
Thursdays, 5.30pm to 7.30pm, free 
Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, Blackheath, SE3 7SE 
Children can learn about the remarkable contributions of Black African and Caribbean scientists and engineers, and build LEGO robots inspired by them in these weekly workshops.

Learning Disability Disco Night 
Thursdays, 5pm to 9pm, £4, carers go free 
Camouflage Cafe, Moorings Sociable Club, Thamesmead, SE28 8BG 
A night of fun and games, karaoke, disco, and board games for adults  with learning disabilities. Come along and shake a leg – no need to book, just turn up.

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